Transitioning from Pandemic to endemic requires a consious effort to continue current Protective measures of reducing transmission of COVID-19 and its variants.

Redi shield Pro

Today the Omicrom variant is the most infectious of SARS-CoV-2 to date, sending COVID-19 infection rates around the world to record breaking heights and leaving many searching for supplemental ways to protect themselves. Redi Shield Pro offers just that, a convenient solution for having that extra protection handy when one is feeling more vulnerable or exposed. 


Rated 5 star for comfort and convenience by thousands of customers.

Redi Shield Pro Face Shield

Easy to clean, store and re-use.

Lightweight & Comfortable

Ideal for long time wearing. This model shield was issued to Homeland Security TSA Agents at airports across the country when they reported that the “elastic band” face shields originally issued to them were uncomfortable for long term use. 

Full Face Protection

Safety full-length face shield with a flexible wrap-around design that provides side and front face protection. The shields have 180 degrees of protection and provide full coverage of the eyes, nose, and mouth to help prevent droplets of saliva, coughs, sneezes, and other foreign substances from reaching your face. Dimensions: 7.75″ high x 10″ w

Ideal for Most Workplaces

Our protective face shields are still worn by  essential personal in places all over the world, most commonly by service providers in   Hair Salons, Spas, Restaurants, Food Services, Retailers, Warehouses, Offices, Schools, primarily Indoors.

Features & Benefits

Best Face Shield

Ultra Clear & Anti Fogging

Redi Shield Pro provides super clear visibility and  superior optics that let in the maximum amount of light, while the anti- fogging material resist fog under extended use.


Sanitary, durable, lightweight, and comfortable. Our premium protective face shields are made with ultra-clear thick PET plastic. Each face shield contains an internally mounted comfort fit acrylic glasses frame. Wear the face shields just like you would when wearing glasses over your ears and on your nose bridge, but you’ll also have a face shield for protection. Wear your eyeglasses underneath. One size fits all.

Professional Protection

Our reusable Safety Face Shields, cover a large area from the eyebrows to the chin  offering full facial protection protection for both you and your client against  air born pathogens,  droplets of saliva, splash of oil, etc.

Facts about Face Shields

Face shields protect the face. Unlike the mask, it protects the eyes. The eyes like the nose and mouth are “gateways” for Covid-19, its variants and other pathogens to enter the body.  Face shields also protect the mask from being contaminated as well as keeping you from touching your face allowing the virus to reach potential areas of infection. A report in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) suggests that masks alone are not personal protective equipment. The report found that when essential workers “added face shields to other protective equipment (face masks and gloves) Covid-19 infection rates among the workers dropped to zero.”  Eye protection is necessary especially in a community setting. Face shields do more to protect the wearer while masks are more about protecting those around the wearer. Take all necessary precautions.  Face shields are becoming more and more widely used in the community settings.
The Journal of the American Medical Association published a report stating that face shields have more “Covid fighting potential” than the average mask. Many masks are ill fitting and not properly worn.  Masks are not meant to protect the wearer, but are meant to prevent a pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic person from spreading it to others. Face shields do more to protect the wearer and prevent them from touching their face.  Unlike the mask, they protect the eyes. Eye protection is necessary especially in a community setting. The eyes like the nose and mouth are “Gateways” for Covid-19 and other pathogens to enter the body. Face Shields block droplets, and protect the mask from absorbing them and becoming contaminated. The report also found that when essential workers “added face shields to other protective equipment (face masks and gloves) Covid-19 infection rates dropped”. The face shield can be easily sanitized. , its variants

book open

Proper Maintenance and care of the Face Shield

It is important to sanitize your face shield regularly. You may use an alcohol pad, antibacterial wipe or soap and water to disinfect your shield. Always clean your shield after use and before storing. Wash or disinfect your hands before and after removing the face shield.


Equipement alone can not prevent Covid-19 infection

It is important to follow prescribed guidelines for maximum personal protection. Practice social distancing. Avoid crowded settings. Disinfect high touch surfaces. Always wear a mask and carry your PPE equipment with you


Recommended use

The face shield is NOT meant to replace your mask. It is meant to be used for added protection. Especially under certain circumstances when you must remove your mask ex. to eat or drink in a community setting, on an aircraft, when the mask must be removed for identification or for added protection from exposure.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question? Ask her here and get it answered within 24 hours.

Yes they actually fit comfortably over most frames.

No, however that would make it difficult should you want to wear just your own glasses. The shield frame is lightweight and fits comfortably over the frames of most glasses.

Yes they are unisex


Yes, depending on head size as they have a snug comfortable fit.

No, however each kit comes with 1 frame and 2 shields.

The best method to clean the shield is soap and water which is antibacterial.
Some chemicals can streak the shield. If necessary, I would suggest a test on the corner of the shield to be sure that the clarity of the shield is not compromised.


10″ X 7.5″ or 245.4cm X 19.05cm


It can be worn with any mask as long as it is not too bulky as some with a respirator.

The shield can be disassembled and stored in the original packaging for easy carrying and safe care. Simply reassemble when needed.


If you scratch at the film in a circular motion near one of the top corners where the hole is at the attachment point to the frame, the film will begin to lift off, then just pull to remove.

The mask primarily protect those around us by preventing asymptomatic and/or  pre-symtomatic persons from spreading the virus. Face shields protect the wearer. Masks don’t prevent the wearer from touching their face and are often ill fitting. The face shield blocks droplets and protects the mask from absorbing pathogens.

No, however they can be put on your head as some do with sunglasses.

Yes, depending on what you are eating. Eating snacks or finger foods, yes. May be cumbersome to eat with a fork. You can slide the frame forward a bit for more room. Be mindful not to compromise protection.

The face shield fits similar to how your glasses would and in most cases should not move.

This face shield is lightweight and very comfortable. Most reviews claim that you don’t even know you have them on.


Flu season brings added dangers of exposure to coughing and sneezing.  The addition of the face shield to your arsenal of PPE, Personal Protective Equipment, increases your protection from Covid 19. 

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